Fox in woodland

The Crate Escape

Call on UK Governments to end the use of farrowing crates

I support The Crate Escape campaign to end the use of farrowing crates on pig farms in the United Kingdom. 

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Throughout the UK, mother pigs are confined to extremely restrictive metal cages, known as farrowing crates, for up to five weeks each time they give birth. These crates are so restrictive that the sows can only stand up or lie down, sometimes with difficulty. She cannot turn around, interact with her piglets beyond nursing them through the metal bars, nor exercise her natural instincts, such as nest-buildling.  

Currently, around 40% of UK sows are not kept in crates. However, it is crucial that the UK governments implement legislation to achieve a 100% crate-free environment. 

I call upon the Secretary of State for Defra (England), Agriculture Minister (Scotland), Minister for Rural Affairs (Wales), DAERA Minister (Northern Ireland) to join me in supporting The Crate Escape, and fully ban farrowing crates from the UK. 

Image credit: Animal Justice Project